Monday, November 30, 2009

what we've been up to

So for Thanksgiving we stayed here. With Scott's work schedule it didn't make any scene to drive and hurry back. so we saved our money, from not driving, and went out to eat! It was a first for the both of us. We went to Mimi's Cafe, they had the most AWESOME sweet potatoes I have ever had! we even took home leftovers! It was so worth it! no dishes to clean, nothing to cook, nothing to plan for! it was nice.
Scott had been working for a day or so before Thanksgiving, to get all the lights up. He decided to go all out this year in case you couldn't tell. I even get home this afternoon and he has put on another addition (that I didn't capture on film, sorry honey) it's like a 7 1/2 foot star! On top of our house! totally decked out, with just over 300 lights! Amazing!

It was also a really nice day on Thursday. The weather couldn't of been better, it was so warm that even I, went for a little motorcycle ride with Scott! It's kind of tradition with my family the last few years, that the boys go out of a motorcycle ride, on Thanksgiving.

The middle picture of us and Rocky was taken on Friday night at the light parade. It was our first year of being there. Some of our neighbors had invited us. They even warmed us up later with hot chocolate at their place after. What awesome friends we have!
I went and got my nerd on, at the midnight showing of "New Moon" with my girlfriends. Holy Buckets, it was a whole lot crazier this year than it was last. Last year we didn't have to stand out side. This year, we were out side for a good 45 min! Yeah, I was pretty frozen, but I think it was worth it! I kept gushing about it enough that Scott took me that following Sunday to go see it again! Isn't he perfect! (Scott that is.)
Rocky is being Rocky. Cute and lovable and a good companion for Scott and I, we love him to death. We saw this coat and just had to get it for him! It fits all of us perfect don't ya think?! (it says "biker dude") cute huh!
We went up to see Ryan, Emily and the kids last night, and took Rocky with us. Emily made a wonderful taco soup and wickedly good cinnamon rolls! The kids loved Rocky, and so did he! We all had a blast!

I think that's everything for now. I'm quite proud of my blogging skills lately! I just need to keep on top of it. I know that a lot of people have the same problem, so I shouldn't be so hard on myself. But until next time. . .

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I still love you!

My Mom text me Monday to let me know that, the Mo Tab had told my Dad no. :( Sad day I know! I wanted to post about it earlier, to let everyone know. But I just now found the time to do it.

So you know, and for the record Dad, I still love you! And I know that you are an amazing singer!

Friday, November 6, 2009


So for those of you that have never heard my Dad sing. your missing out! Cause I think he's amazing! I might be a little bias, but I love him!

He has tried out for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! I don't know if any of you are familiar with this process, but.

First you have to send in a tape of you singing Acapella.

Second, (if you get a call back) you get to go to Salt Lake, and take a written test. And I guess it's the ACT test, of music tests.

Third, (if you get another call back) you get to come to Salt Lake again, and do a try out in front of Mack Wilberg and other faces of the choir.

Fourth, (if you get another call back) you have made it into the Chorale on Temple Square. You know have 12 weeks of mandatory practices/performances. With two of those a week. So yes, that's right, there are 24 mandatory practices/performances you have to be to. After you have proven your self there. you'll be promoted to MO TAB! (Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

My Dad has always dreamed of being in those seats and being a part of that group! I'm already so proud of him for even just sending in his tape! But right now, in this try-out processes, he is on that third step. He will be trying out, tomorrow afternoon (11-7) in front of Mack Wilberg and other associates! I'm so nervous for him, I even have butterflies!

I just wanted everyone to know just how much I love my Dad and how proud I am of him already!

and let's not forget. . . . GOOD LUCK!

Good news

So Bucca made it home this evening! yeah!
Just thought I would let you all know, that our, and your prayers were answered this week!
Thank you for all your love and support that you have shown me, and my family!

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Prayer for "my Bucca"

So Bucca is my mom's dad. Bucca is the name that I used to call him when I was little. Where it came from no one knows. But Bucca has been sick for way longer than is fair. But yesterday morning he suffered a pretty awe full stroke, on his left side. he stayed the night in ICU, to keep close look on him. they were suppose to move him to the main floor sometime today. Mom hasn't called to say that anything bad, so all must be good. (Ok, maybe not good, but better.) I will try to keep this updated the best that I can.
But if you could say a prayer, that would mean the world to my family and I. Thank you!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

We hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! And made sure that your kids brushed their teeth last night! j/k j/k We sure enjoyed our selves! but I think Scott had too much fun!
Get it?! it's a Scotty dog and I married a Scotty?! Kinda lame. I know. I made my poodle skirt myself! and it took me a few days! which is amazing cause most of my sewing projects take me a few tries, if not a few weeks! But I still needed help from my mom via picture texts. and help from Scott too! to help me unscramble it and make it, make since to me! But I had it done in a matter of three days! Go Me! Ten Points!

Scott has a really good looking leather jacket that would of gone nice, so we could of been a 50's couple together, straight from the soda fountain! But he decided that he'd rather be a Zombie. I said "great! but your doing your own makeup!" and he did! and He did a pretty awesome job I might add! Between his makeup, our candy bowl, Rocky, and the flaming-pumpkin-head-scarecrow in the front yard. I don't know which one scared the neirbooh kids more?!

Every year Scotts' parents callenge all of us, (kids, daughter-in-laws, and grandkids) to do a pumkin carving contest. Scott and I, have it easy cause we don't have, to help any kids carve their own. So Scott kinda goes all out! (kinda being an understatement!) We had people we've never even met, coming and taking pictures of it, and with it! (while we were outside)

We have a video of it, that a neighbor friend helped us with, (thanks again Matt and Crystal!) . . . but I'm having technical problems, and can't even find it! but hopefully when Scott gets home this evening, he can help me out.